
A Plan for Today and Tomorrow

Affordable Housing

• Build the 150,000 housing units as mandated by the Province along transit lines.

• Access federal funding to significantly increase our rental housing supply.

• We have 80,000 housing units approved, I will implement the Provincial “use it or lose it” policy to get shovels in the ground and get homes built.

• 20% Foreign Speculators Tax. We need to deal with foreign speculators and criminal elements who are laundering money through real estate investments which is driving up the price to purchase and rent. Toronto has implemented such a tax we are vulnerable to these elements moving over to Mississauga.

• Strongly increase the inspection services and fines to close down illegal Airbnbs that removes much needed rentals from long term use.


• I was able to get funding to purchase land for a new Police Station in Southern Mississauga included in the 2024-2025 capital budget.

• More community police presence with expansion of Community Intervention Rapid Response teams at the community level.

• Additional support and direct financial assistance to Neighbourhood Watch organizations in the community.

• I will work with all levels of government to ensure we have additional judges and work to end “catch-and-release” policies that allow criminals to easily re-offend.

Respecting Your Tax Dollars

• Insist on fiscal and social sustainability by keeping tax increases at or below the rate of inflation.

• Efficiency reviews of all City expenditures to find necessary reductions without reductions in levels of service.

• Create Private/Public partnership opportunities where they benefit our community.

• Demand a new funding deal with the Federal and Provincial Governments.

Public Engagement

• My pledge to you is that I will always provide community engagement to ensure major local concerns are considered and addressed.

• I have held over 500 public consultation meetings since 2018 and will continue to do so citywide with our City Councillors.

Public Transportation

• Build the long-needed subway line along Dundas, connecting Kipling Subway Station to the Hazel McCallion Light Rapid Transit Line (LRT) at Hurontario.

• Extend the Lakeshore TTC street car service from Toronto into Mississauga to the new Lakeview Village development.

• Conduct an audit of the most used transit lines, listen to transit riders, and increase the capacity and frequency of service accordingly. Enhancing Opportunities for New Business

• As Mayor I will aggressively pursue new business development opportunities and jobs so our residents can work, live and retire in Mississauga.

• As Mississauga continues to grow we must also expand employment opportunities and bring more jobs to the City.

• Create an environment where small, medium, and large businesses want to locate in Mississauga.


• Protect seniors by enabling them to stay in their homes as long as possible.

• I will create a Mayor’s Seniors Advisory Committee to ensure priorities are made to fit the needs of our seniors.

• Review all existing programs to ensure they are addressing the right needs.

• Provide free snow window cleaning service for seniors.

• Reduce the cost of seniors ’activity passes.

Arts Community

• Increase support, reduce barriers and provide more opportunities for the arts community as a pillar of culture and vitality.

• I will provide greater City resources and venues for musicians to ensure we can become a world class Music City.

• Revitalize and maximize the potential of the Living Arts Centre.

• Build new venues to host events and festivals in strategic areas across the city.

Noise Control

• Continue to advocate and work with the Province to ban loud and modified exhaust systems that infringe on our peace.

Bloor Street Integrated Project

• Only full Council has the authority to grant a review.

• I will put forward a motion to Council asking for a review of this matter.

• The review will have to ensure the safety of area residents, the flow of traffic and the desire for bike lanes.

• It is unlikely that any party will get all they desire; a resolution will require compromise on all sides.

Councillor Stephen Dasko – His Story

Through his earliest days when Port Credit Arena was hockey’s home ice – to his work as a young researcher on Parliament Hill – to being Chief of Staff for a Provincial MPP, Stephen has brought insight and energy to making better relationships and better communities. Stephen was born and raised in Mississauga. He and his wife Maria are grateful home owners in this beautiful city.

Stephen has had a well-rounded career, having graduated from Carleton University with an Honours degree in Political Science. During that time, Stephen served as a researcher for three years for a Member of the Standing Committee on Finance on Parliament Hill. Subsequent to his role on Parliament Hill, Stephen transitioned into the investment industry as an Investment Advisor and a minority owner of a successful boutique investment firm.

In 2012, he left the investment industry to serve as Chief of Staff to a Member of Provincial Parliament. In this capacity, Stephen spent a significant amount of time supporting the Public Accounts Committee. In 2014, Stephen joined a technology firm as Chief Operating Officer. In 2018, Stephen Dasko was elected Councillor and was re-elected in 2022 with 70% of the vote. He gets things done! He loves this city and is proud to call Mississauga home.

His Vision

I am running for Mayor because I am passionate about our city and I know with the right leadership we can be a great, world-class city of the future. As a lifelong resident, I know that our best days are ahead of us. I listen and I collaborate.  This is often how we get our best results.

I want a Mississauga that has a common sense approach to decision-making, more services for our seniors, keeping taxes low while not compromising our services.

I want a Mississauga to be a city with a world-class waterfront, a dynamic downtown and state-of the-art mass transportation.  I want to lead Mississauga forward with respect for our existing communities while we continue to build intelligently, affordably and to follow our official and local area plans.

I want to be your Mayor for Today and Tomorrow.

His Experience

Councillor Dasko represents resident with a strong voice on:

  • City Council

  • Budget Committee

  • Environmental Action Committee – Vice Chair

  • General Committee

  • Planning and Development Committee

  • Road Safety Committee – Chair

  • Mississauga Heritage Advisory Committee

  • Tourism Mississauga

Regional Committees

  • Region of Peel Council

  • Credit Valley Conservation

  • Toronto Regional Conservation Authority

Community Committees and Organizations

  • Port Credit Business Improvement Association

  • Port Credit Heritage Conservation District Subcommittee

  • Mississauga Legends Row

  • Mississauga Heritage Foundation Committee

  • Mississauga Valley Lions Chapter

  • Former Board Member of Community Living Mississauga

  • Former Board Member of Safe City Mississauga