Mayoralty Candidate, Councillor Stephen Dasko’s Plan To Combat Auto Theft and Home Invasion

Mississauga, ON: Mississauga Councillor Stephen Dasko released his mayoral campaign’s Safer Neighbourhoods Plan to combat Auto Theft and Home Invasion citing the national epidemic of auto theft.

According to Peel Regional Police, Peel Region is at the national forefront of auto theft as it continues to have the highest rates per capita.

“In the first three months of 2024, 1,048 vehicles were reported stolen in Mississauga alone,” Dasko said.

He has a five-point plan with common sense solutions to help police combat auto theft and other serious crime.

Dasko said, “It is an effective and comprehensive action plan that will help residents feel safer in their neighbourhoods. It focuses on prevention which is a necessary weapon to combat serious crime and auto theft.”

The Five-Point Plan includes:

1) Create A Permanent Crime Prevention Committee

Councillor Dasko said, “Crime prevention isn't just a police job; it's just as much about better crime data, better coordination and better training in crime prevention practices - work which can be done by auto industry experts in collaboration with Peel Regional Police.”

Dasko said, “As Mayor, I'll work with Council to create and fund a permanent Mississauga Crime Prevention Committee with up to ten industry, car insurance, safety and security professionals.”

The committee will:

• Brief and train community watch groups and local security staff on crime prevention tactics

• Gather data on crime statistics, repeat offenders, criminal organizations and other information to support local investments in crime prevention and safety infrastructure;

• Liaise with Peel Regional Police, Safe City Mississauga, corporate security organizations, the OPP and the RCMP on behalf of City government to help prevent crime and improve incident response.

• Improve coordination between City by-law enforcement and other civilian safety units, all of which can help to boost police enforcement;

• Deliver research to support lobbying by Mississauga’s elected officials on provincial and federal crime prevention policies;

• Brief City Council regularly on crime and crime prevention trends in the community and the region.

2) Safer Neighbourhoods

More community police presence with an expansion of Community Intervention Rapid Response teams is required at the community level to help deter criminal activity. In addition, another police station is required in Mississauga to cover our growing community.

Through the new Crime Prevention Committee and other organizations, offer direct financial support and other resources through Safe City Mississauga to Neighbourhood Watch organizations in communities to ensure that volunteers and building security staff are trained and consistently upgraded, and plugged-in to the most up-to-date information on deterrents and neighbourhood risks.

3) Work Together On Auto-Theft Prevention

Auto theft is not a victimless crime. In addition to the financial burden it puts upon vehicle owners from replacement costs to insurance and deterrents, it also puts safety at risk and impacts our mental health and well-being.

Dasko said, “I'll invite neighbouring GTA cities and the Ontario auto insurance sector to join a special task force on auto-theft. The car theft problem is both region-wide and nation-wide. We'll fight it better if we work together. More has to be done to educate the public about how to avoid becoming victims of auto theft.”

Deterrents such as parking vehicles in garages, steering wheel locks, devices that lock the vehicle’s wheels, tracking devices, and cameras are all strong measures to prevent auto theft.

Dasko said, “It is a promising measure to combine everyone to look for solutions to this crime spree.”

4) Canadian Border Services Agency

The federal government must strengthen its ability to make inspections at the Port of Montreal where a high volume of stolen vehicles are being shipped from Canada.

Dasko said, “I support legislative tools and appropriate sanctions for auto theft prevention and investigation, and will lobby the federal government to focus on this.”

5) Lobby Federal Government To End "Catch And Release" Crime

Most crime in Mississauga is being committed by habitual criminals who pursue crime as a lifestyle or a career - and "catch and release" policies make it easy for them. Cities aren't being heard in Ottawa when mayors call for Criminal Code changes. Cities must work together with the Federal Government to achieve such changes.

Dasko said, “As Mayor, I'll work directly with other Big City Mayors at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to make bail reform and repeat offender reforms a true national lobbying priority for Canadian cities.”

The 2024 Mississauga mayoral by-election will be held on June 10, 2024.


For further information, contact:

Katherine Horvath



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